3 Batting Cage Safety Tips To Teach Your Kids
If your kids are interested in baseball or softball, they might like hitting in the batting cages so that they can practice their swing. Batting cages can be a lot of fun and can provide valuable practice, but they can be dangerous if they are not used correctly. This is why it is important to go over a few key safety rules with your children before they go to the batting cage. Then, you can feel confident that they will stay safe and won't put others in danger when they are there.
1. Helmets Should Be Worn All the Time
When kids are in the batting cage area, it is important to wear helmets at all times. Many children only wear their helmets when they are actually inside the cage or when their coach or a parent is around, but everyone who is near the batting cages should have a helmet on. Some kids play and practice in the batting cage area, and a stray ball could cause an injury if your children are not careful.
2. There Should Be Only One Person in the Cage at a Time
Your child might want to bring a friend into the cage for fun or to take turns, but this is dangerous. There is not enough room in the average batting cage for more than one person at a time, and the other party could accidentally get hurt by a wayward swing.
3. No Practicing Outside of the Cage
The batting cage can be a great place to get kids riled up and excited about baseball and softball. However, no matter how tempted they might be, your kids should never attempt to practice their swings or throw the ball back and forth in the batting cage area, even when they are waiting for others to use the machine. This is an easy way for someone to get hit by a ball or bat and get hurt. Instead, all practicing should be happening inside of the cage. Any additional practicing should be saved for the field.
Whether your kids are planning on hitting the batting cage alone or with their friends and coaches, it is important for them to remember these safety rules at all times. This is why you should go over them with your children before they head to the batting cage in the first place. It is also important to choose a good batting cage that takes safety seriously in order to keep everyone safe, so call around and inquire about safety policies before sending your kids that way.